We are a group of citizens working together to save Long Beach Island and the ocean from the destructive impact of the proposed wind project, and offer sensible renewable energy alternatives. We are a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization and do not endorse any candidates or politicians, but we do aggressively pursue programs, policies, and actions to protect the Island. See our fact-based research, keep informed, and find out how you can help us.
Our coalition is led by Beach Haven resident Dr. Bob Stern, an engineer who previously managed the office in the U.S Department of Energy that oversaw the protection of the environment as it relates to energy programs and projects.
Our all-volunteer coalition is made up of LBI homeowners, residents, business owners, and friends.
We are ‘locals’ who care deeply about the future of our beautiful island.​
​Team members include:
Denise Boccia
Sharon Mahoney
Diane Mallet
Numerous concerned citizens!
As a result of misleading information and lack of public awareness regarding the proposed wind project off LBI, we formed the ‘LBI Coalition for Wind Without Impact’ in February 2021. We followed up by forming Save Long Beach Island, Inc. - a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, which allows tax deductible donations. ​
We are a non-partisan, mission-driven grassroots coalition comprised of hundreds of concerned LBI homeowners, business owners and visitors. ​
We are proponents of a sensible approach to wind energy and alternative/renewable energy solutions. ​
However, we are opposed to the location, scope and size of this project as currently proposed by Atlantic Shores.​
Our organization is led by Beach Haven resident Dr. Bob Stern, an engineer who previously managed the office in the U.S. Department of Energy that oversaw the protection of the environment as it relates to energy programs and projects. ​
To protect LBI's natural seashore and economic lifeblood -- our tourism industry -- by ensuring that Atlantic Shores’ proposed wind turbines are moved further offshore and out of sight to the Hudson South Call Area which is approximately 30 to 57 miles from our coastline. Note that Hudson South offers significantly more potential for wind energy and will also lessen the environmental impact of this project as compared to the current lease area which starts at just 9 and 10 miles off LBI's coast.
To that end, ensure that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) prepares an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) with public input, before it selects Wind Energy Areas where turbines will go, like the area off LBI.
Prepared extensive comment on the Atlantic Shores proposal and EIS.​
Asked the U.S. Senate to hold hearings on the offshore wind energy program.​
Filed a lawsuit in D.C. Circuit Court to require the BOEM to prepare an EIS to justify their selection of wind energy areas.​
Asked the NJDEP to reject Atlantic Shores request to find the project consistent with New Jersey's Coastal Zone Management Program.​
Asked the NJ Board of Public Utilities to justify their power purchase agreement. with the project.
Asked the National Marine Fisheries Service to not approve vessel surveys using high-intensity noise devices at night and during the months of right whale migration.